Bausman Memorial
Christian Education
Contact Laura Waetjen for more details on Christian Education.
Sunday School
The spiritual nurture of our children is a priority in the life of Bausman Memorial Church United Church of Christ. Through education and fellowship our children learn the basics of our Christian faith, the central place of Christ Jesus in that faith, the word of God as revealed in Scripture, and the building of relationships that will nurture their faith for years to come.
To participate in Sunday School, youth will attend the worship service. Then, following the children’s message, they may join their teachers to walk through the door to the left of the altar and down the hallway to the stairs at the rear of the church; 1st – 3rd grade students will be in Room 21, while students in 4th – 7th grade will be in Room 23.
At the conclusion of the service, parents are asked to pick up their children from their respective rooms.
Please note, on the first Sunday of each month, there is no Sunday School for grade level youth, as this will be a family worship day.
We look forward to seeing your children in Sunday School!
Starting with 8th grade, children are welcomed into Adult Sunday School.
Vacation Bible School
This is a Summer program open to children 3 years old through 6th grade. Instead of the week-long VBS we’ve done in the past, in 2022, it will be 3 Sunday evenings over the Summer. It’s also family style! Bring Mom, Dad and the whole crew for family fun.
Bible Study
Is suspended till 2023
This fall, we are launching a new experiential-based confirmation program that will be facilitated by Pastor Joe. The program is best suited for youth, 8th grade, or older, and will run from November 2022 – October 2023 (with summer class breaks that will allow for family vacation time and project completion).
To learn more about this program and to help develop the class meeting schedule, join us (guardian & youth) for an orientation meeting being held October 16th, time and place to be determined..
Adult Sunday School
Is suspended till 2023
Family Ice Skating Event on January 29, 2023
Thank you to the many Bausman families who joined us for ice skating at Body Zone this past weekend! Fun was had by all, from the smallest skaters, to the parents trying to stay upright! Be on the lookout for details of our next adventure- and please join us!